And the performance gains were, dare I say, astronomical!
I successfully migrated Portfolio.v1 from Blazor to Astro in less than 30 hours. The process of learning Astro was relatively simple, even though my prior experience was with Blazor and Django, which are quite different from Astro. The excellent documentation made creating this website an enjoyable experience!
The website is hosted on GitHub and deployed by Netlify. Setting up Netlify was a breeze following the Astro docs. I had the site up and running on my own domain within 30 minutes of starting Astro development.
Before I made the switch to Astro, I made this preloader to improve the loading user experience on Blazor:
Beautiful, right? Well take a good look because you’ll never see it on my site again. Not with Astro as my framework. Go give it a try yourself and let me know how it goes.